The admission in the Order can take place through three ways:
- direct call.
- special merits towards the Order.
- upon proposal of the Chapters, Commanderies and Coordinations, when presented by a Knight who is also a guarantor.
The request must be done using the form given below (Application for Admission) and must be delivered or sent to the Office of the Grand Magistracy, together with the required documents (Documents for Admission) in original copy or using the self-certifications given below (Substitute Declarations).
If the documents and the request, duly evaluated, will result complete and valid (with an appropriate resume), after hearing the General Council, the claimant will begin the period of ‘Novitiate’, whose duration and contents are established by the Sovereign Grand Master on the advice of the General Council. That period is intended to evaluate the candidates and make each of them able to know consciously the ideals of Chivalry and the concrete forms of it experienced by the Constantinian Nemagnic Order.
According to art. V chap. VI of the Statutes, are allowed young minors aged not under 12 years, sons or similar of Knights and Dames provided that they have the prescribed requirements, as ‘Squire’ and ‘Damsel’.

I. Application for admission correlated with three passport size photographs.
II. Curriculum vitae, integrated by a photocopy of the identity document..
III. General criminal records certificate.*
IV. Certificate of pending charges.*
V. Certificate of Family status.*
VI. Attested affidavit about the domicile.*
VII. Certificate of good religious conduct (specific form) issued by a priest, who may also be Orthodox if the candidate belongs to this Christian confession.
Preferably, the parish priest of the residence / membership parish.
For the Priests is required a photocopy of the Celebret.
(* alternatively can be used the substitute declaration)

Application for Admission
Substitute Declarations
Certificate of good religious conduct