The Prize born in 2012, since its first edition qualifies as an initiative of absolute prestige.
The coveted award is given annually to high-profile personalities in the world of culture, art, research, creativity, science, and promoted the values of freedom, justice, peace, and universal brotherhood, in Italy and abroad, by putting ourselves at the service of the community and of humanity.
The name Constantinus Magnus, attributed to the Prize, was chosen, to evoke the Emperor Constantine and the one thousand seven hundredth anniversary of the victory over Maxentius, during the battle of Ponte Milvio, as a pivotal point that marked the beginning of the very first era of religious freedom , then leaving the Church out of hiding, with the Edict of Milan.
In a moment of crisis, like the current one, the Award aims to give people confidence and enthusiasm, thanks to a hope built on cultural, scientific, religious, peace and economic heritage, which creates a fraternal community within our beloved. Italy and throughout the world.
The International Constantinus Magnus Prize consists of an artistic Diploma customized on parchment and a reproduction of a Constantinian coin on a silver colored support.