‘Foundation – Rule’
Article II - The Order is placed under the invocation of St. George Great Martyr of Cappadocia, and is dedicated also to St. Stephen patron of the Ancient Byzantine Roman Empire and the Serbian state called Angelic, since it is founded on the appearance of the Angels, it venerates particularly the hierarchy of the heavenly army, and especially the Archangel St. Michael. It was also named Nemantin or Nemagnic in compliance with the national Dynasty of Serbia. And it also led over the centuries the qualification of Golden Militia since gold was the ribbon of his Knights. It has as Patron the sublime Saint Helena, mother of the August Founder.
Article III - The Order militates under the spiritual discipline of the Rule of St. Basil, Bishop of Caesarea, Father Confessor and Doctor of the Church, Legislator of the monastic institutions of the East which are composed in the following paragraphs, and textually enunciate: "De regula Basilii sanctissimae vitae episcopi Caesareae".
o In primis devote recordari per singulos dies Passionem Domini Nostri Jesu Christi qui liberavit nos per effusionem sanguinis sui a lapsu primi parentis, et propterea a sexta feria ieiunare.
o Pro Fide christiana et nostro Romano Imperio pugnare.
o Ecclesiam Dei et e ius a Tyramnis grassatoribus liberare.
o Arma contra inimicos Dei, Ecclesiae, et Imperii Romani solummodo exercere et tractare.
o Obbrobria Christi memorari, et ideò iniurias patienter ferre, et modestè vivere.
o Crucem portare in signum et vexillum Christi.
o Viduas, Pupillos, Orphanos, et miserabiles personas in ipsorum necessitatibus tueri et subvenire.
o Oboedire superioribus necque vagari.
o Caste vivere, una contentus uxore.
Article IV - The Order, recognized over the centuries by the Holy See with Motu Proprio of Callistus III, Paul III, Julius III, Urban VIII, Innocent XII and Clement XI, for its nature and its strictly religious and charitable purposes is unrelated to any movement or event which may be of political character.
‘Purposes – Government’
o It promotes among its members the practice in the Christian life according to the commandments of God and the precepts of the Church (cf. Luke I, 6).
o It is at the service of Christian unity and strives according to his means the union of all Christians in the one fold of the Christ, as a realization of God's clearly expressed will (cf. John XVII, 21-23).
o It supports works of assistance in favor of the derelicts of human society remembering that Christ came to seek and save what it was lost (cf. Luke IX, 9-10).
o It fights against all forms of oppression of freedom and human dignity and takes to heart the defense of the mocked minorities, as a Christian response to the suffering of those who have no means to fight and resist (cf. Luke VI, 22).
o It participates with its representations to the main national and international religious ceremonies as a public affirmation of faith and piety (cf. I Tim. II, 2).
o It perpetuates in its writings, studies and researches the doctrine of unity of the Christian civilization of the ancient Byzantine Roman Empire (cf. Mark XII, 17).
Article II - The Order is a Nobiliary and Equestrian Institution of international character and has cultural, religious, philanthropic and humanitarian goals. It does not pursue profit goals and continues its historic mission no longer on the battlefield, but by promoting peace, charity, and the spread of the Christian religion.
Article III - Its aims are pursued by means of individual and collective prayers and through the initiatives and decisions taken by the central bodies and implemented by the competent peripheral organs.
Article IV - The Order is governed by the Sovereign Grand Master and is divided into chapters at national and regional level. The Sovereign Grand Master makes use of the consultative opinion of the General Council of the Order for the matters of greater importance. The Order has nothing in common with other associations of chivalric character and / or of similar designation.