The solemn awarding ceremony of the 6th edition of the CONSTANTINUS MAGNUS International Prize, started on Saturday 30th September at 4:00 pm in the square in front of the Palazzo Comunale with homage to the fallen for the homeland, with the deposition of a laurel wreath to the monument that pays tribute to him, from the Sacred Military Imperial Order Nemagnico Angelico Costantiniano of San Giorgio and Santo Stefano, accompanied by the musical band "Ciro Scarponi" of Torgiano and subsequently blessed by Mons. Bruno Gagliarducci, former military chaplain and spiritual councilor of the Lazio chapter. Later, as planned, with the participation of a distinguished figures, the planned ceremony was held in the Hall of the Edict of the Town Hall, as a recognition of the merit of the people who distinguished themselves, by virtue of their merits. acquired for the development of culture, art, research, creativity, science and promoted the values of freedom, justice, peace and universal brotherhood, in Italy and abroad, through the service of the community and of humanity.
The event, hosted by the Municipality of Spello where a famous edict of the emperor Constantine the Great (Rescript of Constantine) is preserved, engraved on stone from the Holy Imperial Military Order Nemagnico Angelico Costantiniano of St. George and St. Stephen in synergy with the Municipality of Spello, and the patronages of the Legislative Assembly of the Umbria Region, the Honorary Consulate of the Russian Federation of Ancona and the Royal Imperial House Picco Lavarello Lascaris Comneno Paleologus Obrenović of Constantinople and Serbia with whom HE is head and R. Prince Luigi Maria Picco of Montenero Lavarello Obrenović, with various dignitaries of the Order including the Grand Chancellor of the Order and Minister of the Royal Marchese Dr. Fabio Guasticchi.
In the absence of the Mayor of Spello Moreno Landrini, engaged off-site in an institutional mission, impeccably made the honors of the House Deputy Mayor Dr. Gianni Narcisi. The Consulate of the Russian Federation of Ancona was represented by the Honorary Consul Avv. Marco Ginesi, from the Honorary Consul Emeritus prof. Armando Ginesi and the diligent coordinator of the Consular Cav. Renato Barchiesi. Among the guests, the first citizen of the Municipality of San Venanzo, dott. Marsilio Marinelli, the dott. Brunello Cucinelli, Entrepreneur and the Park and Forest Rangers of Rome, Association of Civil Protection volunteers presided over by Giorgio Alessandri. The Evaluation Evaluation Committee, composed of the prof. Giorgio Bonamente (President), Ordinary in the University of Perugia. History of the Byzantine Empire, prof. Maurizio Oliviero, Ordinary of Comparative Public Law, prof. Sergio Romano, former Associate of Byzantine Philology and Byzantine Civilization of the Department of Classical Philology at the University of Naples Federico II (who died on 4 September last), Mgr. Bruno Gagliarducci, former military chaplain, prof. Armando Ginesi, Honorary Consul Emeritus of the Russian Federation and one of 158 "consultants" in the world of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federation, former Ordinary of Art History at the State Academy of Macerata, dott. Fabio Guasticchi, former Administrative Officer at the University of Perugia and by dr. Moreno Landrini, Mayor of Spello, unanimously awarded the Prize for the "Journalism" Section to dr. Gianni Letta, "Senior" of Italian journalism and former Director of the newspaper "Il Tempo" in Rome and the Director in Italy of the prestigious Russian news agency RIA-NOVOSTI, dott. Sergey Starstev.
The other two contributions, to dr. Sergio Pirozzi, Mayor of Amateur for the Section "Peace and Defense of Universal Rights" and to prof. Ciro Romano, for the Section "Art and Culture" will be conferred later as they were absent for unanimous personal commitments. In previous editions the Awards were awarded: 2012 to Flavio Lotti, Coordinator of the Table of Peace of Assisi; 2013 to Father Ibrahim Faltas o.f.m., Currently taking over the Custody of the Holy Land in Jerusalem; 2014 to Mahmūd Abbās (Abū Māzen) President of the Palestinian National Authority; 2015 in the Municipality of Lampedusa, Brunello Cucinelli, entrepreneur and patron known throughout the world with the nickname of "king of cashmere"; Armando Ginesi, historian of contemporary art; 2016 to the Community of Sant'Egidio presided over by prof. Marco Impagliazzo and at the Bonifaciana Academy of Anagni presided over by dr. Sante De Angelis. Extraordinarily effective was the brief introduction, but as acute and thorough, of prof. Bonamente (President), Ordinary in the University of Perugia of Roman History and a subtle scholar of the history of the Byzantine Empire, prof. Maurizio Oliviero, Ordinary of Comparative Public Law, prof. Sergio Romano, former Associate of Byzantine Philology and Byzantine Civilization of the Department of Classical Philology at the Federico II University of Naples (who died on 4 September last), Mgr. Bruno Gagliarducci, former military chaplain, prof. Armando Ginesi, Honorary Consul Emeritus of the Russian Federation and one of 158 "consultants" in the world of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federation, former Ordinary of Art History at the State Academy of Macerata, dott. Fabio Guasticchi, former Administrative Officer at the University of Perugia and by dr. Moreno Landrini, Mayor of Spello, unanimously awarded the Prize for the "Journalism" Section to dr. Gianni Letta, "Senior" of Italian journalism and former Director of the newspaper "Il Tempo" in Rome and the Director in Italy of the prestigious Russian news agency RIA-NOVOSTI, dott. Sergey Starstev.
The other two contributions, to dr. Sergio Pirozzi, Mayor of Amatrice for the Section "Peace and Defense of Universal Rights" and to prof. Ciro Romano, for the Section "Art and Culture" will be conferred later as they were absent for unanimous personal commitments. In previous editions the Awards were awarded: 2012 to Flavio Lotti, Coordinator of the Table of Peace of Assisi; 2013 to Father Ibrahim Faltas o.f.m., currently taking over the Custody of the Holy Land in Jerusalem; 2014 to Mahmūd Abbās (Abū Māzen) President of the Palestinian National Authority; 2015 in the Municipality of Lampedusa, Brunello Cucinelli, entrepreneur and patron known throughout the world with the nickname of "king of cashmere"; Armando Ginesi, historian of contemporary art; 2016 to the Community of Sant'Egidio presided over by prof. Marco Impagliazzo and at the Bonifaciana Academy of Anagni presided over by dr. Sante De Angelis. Extraordinarily effective was the brief introduction, but as acute and thorough, of prof. Bonamente on the figure of Constantine the Great which today, with this meeting between the authoritative witnesses of high quality Italian and Russian journalism, was prophetic, as early as the 4th century AD.
To the prof. Ginesi was entrusted with the task of explaining the motivation of the Prize awarded to the two distinguished journalists underlining the role of training that Gianni Letta has played towards generations of professionals now distributed in the most important national newspapers, remembering how he has always been the master of a journalism that If he was biased, he was never biased, but honest, respectful of the truth, who could identify adversaries but not enemies, never vulgar or offensive, always of high quality, ethical and he wished that a beautiful transfusion of this ethicality takes place as soon as possible in today's, rather struck by superficiality and often low-quality, quarrelsome, quarrelsome, uncritical instrument of ideological and political views of absolutist and maniacal parties. Sergey Starstev recalled the friendship, the collaboration with the Consulate of Ancona and, above all, the constant work of intelligent and diplomatic mediation to keep alive the relations between Italy and Russia, whose friendship is ancient, even if some sometimes the accidentalities of the contingent history have produced frictions and misunderstandings, in some cases even serious. The two journalists answered: Letta, intervening several times to offer ideas for a sort of "Lectio Magistralis" on the duties and rights of information and on the need to recover the memory without which there is no history or possibility of building the future; Starstev, for its part, confirmed what was claimed by prof. Ginesi, increasingly committed to its skills, to foster, develop, keep alive and vital relationships, of any kind (cultural, economic, political) between the two friendly nations which are and must continue to be Italy and Russia.
Impeccable, from all points of view starting from the cultural one of high comparative constitutional doctrine, the function of prof. Maurizio Oliviero, as moderator of the debate. In conclusion it was announced that, on the occasion of the sad disappearance of prof. Sergio Romano, he will be replaced, in future commissions, by dr. Brunello Cucinelli. The closure was entrusted to the Honorary Consul of the Russian Federation of Ancona, lawyer. Marco Ginesi, who reiterated the impossibility of the Consulate he directed himself to exempt himself from sponsoring, helping in every way an initiative of international prestige such as the international CONSTANTINUS MAGNUS Award in favor of the realization of the indispensable values of peace, coexistence among peoples, the exchange of cultures and existential experiences.
Noted, among the presences in the room, that of the National Vice President of the Judges of Peace, Avv. Antonino Mannino di Renzo and the Associate of Institutions of Public Law in the Department of Economics of the University of Perugia, prof. Avv. Simone Budelli.