In Spello the delivery of the "CONSTANTINUS MAGNUS" International Award 2015. The award ceremony for the fourth edition, promoted by the Sacred Military Order Nemagnico Angelico Costantiniano of San Giorgio and Santo Stefano, under the patronage of the Honorary Consulate of the Russian Federation of Ancona and the Royal and Imperial House Picco Lavarello Lascaris Comneno Paleologo Obrenović of Constantinople - Serbia, took place this year in Spello in the evocative Sala dell'Editto of Palazzo Comunale, with internationally acclaimed winners.
Present the Grand Master of the Order, Prince Luigi Maria Picco of Montenero Lavarello Obrenović of Serbia, Bosnia and Constantinople. Also present political, civil and military authorities, including the Regional Councilor of Umbria, former Mayor of Assisi, Ing. Claudio Ricci, the Mayor of Orgosolo Dott. Dionigi Deledda, the Rector of the Polytechnic University of Marche Prof. Sauro Longhi , the Honorary President of the Union of Islamic Communities in Italy dott. Mohamed Nour Dachan, the incumbent President dr. Ezzeddin Elzir, the prof. Roberto Romano, formerly Ordinary of Byzantine Philology at the "Federico II" University of Naples, Mons. Bruno Gagliarducci Prelate of His Holiness, former military chaplain, Monsignor Daniele Micheletti, Archpriest of the Basilica of the "Pantheon" of Rome, prof. Giorgio Bonamente, Professor of Roman History at the University of Perugia and Chairman of the Evaluation Committee of the Award, the Secretary of the same Marchese dott. Fabio Guasticchi, S.A.R. P.pe Leonardo Salomone of the Torre d'Oriente, S.E. Marquis Hendrikus Hermanus Maria Ruijgrok of Catì, Honorary Consul General of the Kingdom of Thailand in Amsterdam; Prof. Maurizio Oliviero, Professor of Comparative Public Law in the Department of Law of the University of Perugia, who also played the role of moderator of the evening, prof. Valerio De Cesaris, Professor of Contemporary History at the University for Foreigners of Perugia and representative of the Community of Sant'Egidio in Rome, Dr Natela Scenghelija, manager in Italy of the Investment Sector of the great Russian energy group "Renova" and many other authorities and public invited, including the highest dignitaries of the Constantinian Nemagnico Order and, obviously, the Mayor of Spello, dott. Moreno Landrini in his function as landlord.
The Award, which represents a prestigious award for those who have contributed, in Italy and abroad, to the development and dissemination of culture and knowledge in the various sectors, in the supreme interest of the elevation and promotion of peoples' progress , the search for truth, freedom, justice and peace and, therefore, universal brotherhood. Also this year the award ceremony was renewed, because the initiative was born to spread, today more than ever, the important and necessary themes of dialogue, synergy, socio-cultural and ethical growth of civil societies. The Prize wants to aggregate and relate personalities that daily, work to make our world better with concrete and lasting actions.
After having read, with the standing assembly, a long and participated letter of greeting and complacency of the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, the prizes were assigned to:
. Municipality of Lampedusa for the Section "Peace and Defense of Universal Rights"
. Armando Ginesi for the "Art and Culture" Section
. Brunello Cucinelli for the "Entrepreneurship and Economics" Section
Unfortunately, the Mayor of Lampedusa, Dr. Giusi Nicolini, at the last moment could not attend for reasons of force majeure but was represented by a letter whose text, of exceptional importance, moved the entire assembly and that It is our intention to report in full: "Divergent emotions in this mine to you revolt: regretted, for not being able to be present today in the charming town that hosts the ceremony, honored for the prestigious conferment.My heart trusts in your understanding.I am sure you will recognize valid the reasons for my absence In a historical omentum like the one we are going through, I could not avoid trying with any means to stimulate the consciences and the intellect of the people who are bewildered to a phenomenon that is an igratoriodi entity so as to highlight even their own causes. I went yesterday to the side of Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations Philippe Douste-Blize, in the Hungarian town of Beremend, with the utmost humility but aware of the fact that, even if only a small gesture, each step is one step that separates us from the finish line.
On the border between Hungary and Croatia I had the opportunity to touch the kilometers of barbed wire that separate the two countries today and a thrill has pervaded me. For years I have witnessed the natural barrier that separates two continents by reaping victims among those who try to cross it. The Mediterranean Sea holds on its bottom thousands of bodies that were once people with a home and affections. Human beings that that house and those affects did not abandon them voluntarily but induced or even forced to do so. A story that Lampedusa has always witnessed and against which it has always fought. Yesterday I saw a wall of barbed wire that threatens to multiply cities forced to witness sad pages of history.
Today, in this room steeped in history, you confer recognition - not to me, what else I represent except my fellow citizens - to a spontaneous and collective thought; a certificate of validity of the reception principle and therefore of the brotherhood. The same natural manifestation of solidarity, between people of different cults and cultures, which is daily celebrated in my islands and which has been the object of particular attention of the Pontiff who in Lampedusa went on his first pastoral journey. And while in a small patch of land, grain of sand of the Mediterranean, principles of coexistence and cultural exchanges are being experimented, even involuntarily, elsewhere walls continue to rise where they had been demolished. Inevitably leading to a regression to the great project of authentic European unification. Objective threatened by policies, those implemented in many Member States, obtuse and lacking any form of social planning. I had the honor to know the Holy Father Francis and to be moved by his words, capable of shaking the soul and pointing the way at the same time. More recently, I have the honor of meeting another person who is able to look beyond and clearly understand the way to go. With it we have long observed that barbed wire questioning the meaning of what is happening. Finally, no matter how sorry for the absence, I get excited even in receiving your recognition. Knowing that the Sacred Military Order Nemagnico Angelico Costantiniano of San Giorgio and Santo Stefano deems worthy of honor in the policy of acceptance implemented by my people, elevating it to just practice, gives me another reason to hope. Your very clear opinion comes from the undersigned read as proximity and support in the pursuit of a vision: a world in which people are not forced to emigrate but have the freedom to do so is a world that works from the social, economic, cultural and religious; a place where there are no exorbitant costs to solve the side effects of massive self-injurious investments, but a unique environment in which the interchanges between continents are free from threats of dictatorial or terrorist matrix and sedimented racial hatred. Precisely because the economy of our continent goes through a critical chapter, it is time to look beyond and understand what the society of the future will be to meet them, without resisting them, but improving them even now.
Giuseppina Maria Nicolini "
Before the prestigious awards are presented, prof. Maurizio Oliviero has briefly outlined the professional profile of a great entrepreneur known all over the world by Brunello Cucinelli, as well as his passion for culture and his praiseworthy philanthropy, while prof. Giorgio Bonamente did it by prof. Armando Ginesi, underlining how his highly valued international experience as a historian of contemporary art combines the very important role, as Honorary Consul of the Russian Federation of Ancona, of a bridge between the East and the West from a political, economic and religious point of view. notes its initiatives in favor of dialogue between peoples and their respective faiths.
Within the ceremony of awarding the 2015 Prize, the Constantinian Nemagnic Order in the wake of the great political-religious lesson of the Emperor Constantine, intended to contribute to interreligious dialogue, peaceful coexistence, religious freedom of the peoples, has therefore promoted a cultural meeting on the theme "Knights today. Contributions for a spirituality of peace ". The meeting was inspired by Pope Francis' Encyclical "Laudato sì", an encyclical for everyone, not only for Christians, but - the premise is a must - it is not a scientific document, it is a spiritual document. />
The meeting ended with a Round Table, with which we tried to find spaces for dialogue between the great monotheistic religions in order to overcome every temptation of violence and terrorism, the alternative way to these temptations, passes for recognition of differences.
This meeting was attended by:
. Mons. Daniele Micheletti, Archpriest of the Basilica of the Pantheon in Rome;
. Mons. Bruno Gagliarducci, Prelate of His Holiness, former military chaplain,
. Dr. Ezzeddin Elzir, President of the U.CO.I.I. (Union of Islamic Communities of Italy);
. prof. Valerio De Cesaris, Community of Sant'Egidio.