Sra Ibrahim FALTAS ofm, of the Custody of the Holy Land and director of the Casa Nova of Jerusalem, received the II edition of the International Constantinus Magnus Prize for the Section "Peace and Defense of Universal Rights". At the ceremony, organized by the Order Nemagnico Costantiniano, after the greetings of the Mayor of Assisi, Ing. Claudio Ricci, of the learned. Fabio Guasticchi, head of the Umbria Chapter of the Order, of the Father Luigi Maria Picco of Montenero Lavarello Obrenovic, Grana Maestro of the Order, prof. Giorgio Bonamente, Dean of the Faculty of Literature and Philosophy of the University of Perugia, illustrated the motivation for the award of Frà Ibrahim Faltas ofm, "Recognition for the commitment to dialogue, solidarity as a builder of peace in the Holy Land" .
The award was presented in the Sala della Conciliazione of the Palazzo Comunale of Assisi by Father Luigi Maria Picco of Montenero Lavarello Obrenoviċ, Grand Master of the Sacred Military Imperial Nemagnian Military Order of Saint George and Saint Stephen today 6 October 2013.
The award recalls the message of the emperor Constantine the Great that with the victory over Maxentius, during the epic battle of Ponte Milvio in 312 AD, as a pivotal point that marked the beginning of the very first era of religious freedom, bringing out the Church from clandestinity, with the Edict of Milan of 313 AD
It also represents a prestigious award for those who have contributed, in Italy and abroad, to the development and dissemination of culture and knowledge in the various sectors, in the supreme interest of the elevation and promotion of peoples' progress, research of truth, freedom, justice and peace and, therefore, universal brotherhood.
They intervened at the ceremony:
. YOU KNOW. and R. P.pe Luigi Maria Picco of Montenero Lavarello Obrenoviċ, Sovereign Grand Master of the Order
. H. Exc. Most Rev. Archbishop Domenico Sorrentino, Bishop of Assisi-Nocera Umbra-Gualdo Tadino
. Ing. Claudio Ricci, Mayor of Assisi (PG)
. Prof. Giorgio Bonamente, Dean of the Faculty of Literature and Philosophy of the University of Perugia
. Prof. Giovanni Paciullo, Rector of the University for Foreigners of Perugia
. Prof. Maurizio Oliviero, ADISU Director and Ordinary of the University of Perugia
. Prof. Dr. Armando Ginesi, Honorary Consul of the Russian Federation of Ancona
. Dr. Giuseppe Bonavolontà, RAI journalist
. Frà Francesco De Lazzari ofm., Representing the Custos of the Porziuncola, Frà Fabrizio Migliasso ofm
. Mauro Mauro Gambetti ofm conv., Custodian of the Sacred Convent of St. Francis of Assisi Dr. Sandro Vitali, Mayor of Spello (PG)
. Dr. Dionigi Deledda, Mayor of Orgosolo (NU)
. Dr. Marzio Pieroni, President of the "Lions Club" of Crociano (PG)