During a solemn ceremony held in the Edict Hall of the Palace Comunale di Spello, Saturday 9 October 2021, the awards in the 9th edition of the "International Award Constantinus Magnus ". The ceremony was skillfully moderated by Dr. Matteo Guido Giorgio Priori, Knight of the Order and Mayor of the Municipality of Piadena Drizzona (CR). At the beginning the greetings of Dr. Moreno Landrini, Mayor of Spello who brought greetings to all present and all those who have contributed directly o indirectly to the success of the event. Other interventions followed greeting from the Grand Chancellor of the Order, Marquis Dr. Fabio Guasticchi, del Honorary Consul of the Republic of Uganda based in Bari, Dr. Sergio Pump and the Mayor of Lucera, Avv. Giuseppe Pitta. Prof. Giorgio Bonamente, president of the Evaluation Commission, has illustrated the reasons that led to the awarding of prizes for merits in the sections: International Relations, Entrepreneurship and Economics, Social Commitment and Special Career Recognition. The "International Relations" Award was awarded to the Hon. Prof. Franco FRATTINI, “for his long political activity in which he held several times the role of Minister and has held relevant positions in the field of services of information and security and former European Commissioner. Former President of the Alcide De Gasperi Foundation, currently President of the Council of State e since 2012 President of SIOI (Italian Society for the Organization International) in Rome. The prize will be awarded on a different date and place for the inability of the winner to be present at the ceremony. The “Entrepreneurship and Economics” Award was awarded to Prof. Giuseppe GHISOLFI, “multifaceted personality of banker, journalist and teacher. Expert of the world of finance and savings, historian of the Italian economy in the last fifty years. Among the prestigious positions at the Italian level e international, of note: vice president of ABI (Banking Association Italiana), vice president and treasurer of the European Group of Banks of savings-ESBG, Director of the WSBI - Word Institute Saving Banks Institute which brings together savings banks from all over the world, sole representative for Italy ". The award was presented by Dr. Sergio Pump. The “Social Commitment” Award was awarded to the Universe Relief Corps Humanitas ODV based in Salerno in the person of the president, Dr. Roberto Schiavone of Favignana, “Association founded in Salerno in 1987 with member associations, which operates nationally and internationally with detachments and workstations in order to operate as an associative network, supporting and directly carrying out interventions and health services, of environmental defense, civil protection, fire services, social activity, training. The operation of the Association and its associates is guaranteed by properly trained men and women. The prize was presented by don Raffaele Antonacci. The "Special Career Award" was awarded to the Hon. Dr. Zef BUSHATI, "Multifaceted personality. Teacher at the Academy of Fine Arts in Tirana; furthermore, for twenty-one years he worked as a Director and Actor also for important films for the National Theater of Tirana; later entering politics he was appointed Plenipotentiary Ambassador to the Holy See since 2002 in 2006 and prestigious positions as Director and Deputy Minister. Now it carries out social activities as President and founder of the Foundation International Pope Clement XI - Albani based in Tirana (Albania). The prize was presented by Dr. Fabio Guasticchi. The ceremony ended with the delivery by the Constantinian Order Nemagnico, of two gifts to Umbrian regional institutional personalities.

It took place on 13 December 2021 at the S.I.O.I. (Italian Society for the International Organization) in Rome, the awarding of the Prize International Constantinus Magnus 2021 edition for the section "Relations International "to the Hon. Prof. Franco FRATTINI by the Grand Master, the P.pe Dr. Luigi Maria Picco Lavarello Laskaris Comneno Paleologo Obrenović di Constantinople-Serbia and the Grand Chancellor, the Marquis Dr. Fabio Guasticchi of Cres representing the Imperial Military Nemagnic Holy Order Constantinian Angelic of San Giorgio and Santo Stefano.