The solemn award ceremony began at 16:00 in Piazza della Repubblica in front of the Palazzo Comunale with homage to the fallen for the homeland, with deposition of a laurel wreath to the monument that pays homage to it, blessed by the Spiritual Counselor General, don Raffaele Antonacci, from the Sacred Military Imperial Order Nemagnico Angelico Costantiniano of San Giorgio and Santo Stefano di Rito Orientale, accompanied by the "Ciro Scarponi" Band of Torgiano.
As planned and with the usual solemnity, in the Sala dell'Editto of the Palazzo Comunale di Spello (where an important stone stele is preserved with a text written by Constantine the Great), the VII edition of the Prize dedicated to the great Roman emperor took place, with the participation of a qualified audience of authorities and illustrious personalities, among others Dr. Giuseppe Bisogno, Quaestor of Perugia; Captain Angelo Zizzi, Commander of the Carabinieri Company of Foligno, Ing. Claudio Ricci, Councilor for the Umbria Region. The Consulate of the Russian Federation of Ancona was represented by the Honorary Consul Avv. Marco Ginesi and by the diligent coordinator of the Consular secretariat Cav. Renato Barchiesi.
Impeccably made the honors of the house the Mayor dr. Moreno Landrini. The initiative aims to recognize the merits of those who, both Italian and foreign, have distinguished themselves, by virtue of the merits acquired for the development and dissemination of culture, art, research, creativity, of science, and promoted the values of freedom, justice, peace, and brotherhood universal, by putting ourselves at the service of the community and of humanity. It is sponsored by the Municipality of Spello, from the Umbria Region - Legislative Assembly, from the Honorary Consulate Russian Federation of Ancona and the Royal and Imperial House Picco Lavarello Lascaris Comneno Paleologo Obrenović of Constantinople-Serbia.
The Evaluation Evaluation Committee, chaired by prof. Giorgio Bonamente and composed by prof. Armando Ginesi, from prof. Maurizio Oliviero, from Mons. Patrick Incorvaja, from dr. Brunello Cucinelli, from dr. Moreno Landrini (representing the Municipality of Spello pursuant to Article 4 of the regulation) and by the dott. Fabio Guasticchi, has proclaimed the 2018 Award, His Most Reverend Excellency Mons. Francesco Pio Tamburrino O.S.B., Archbishop Emeritus of Foggia-Bovino for the "Religions" Section, the very clear prof. Paolo Fedeli, Latinist and essayist, Accademico dei Lincei, for the Section "Art and Culture", Dr. Graziana Grassini, Enologa, for the "Entrepreneurship and Economics" Section, the Falcone Foundation, "Special Recognition at the MEMORY "of the late Judge Giovanni Falcone. Within the conferment of the Prize, His Most Reverend Excellency Mons. Francesco Pio Tamburrino O.S.B., held the Lectio Magistralis "Militia Christi: an image of life Christian ".
In previous editions, the Awards were assigned respectively for the "Peace and Defense" section of Universal Rights "to Dr. Flavio Lotti, Coordinator of the Table of Peace of Assisi (2012); Father Ibrahim Faltas Ofm, Custody of the Holy Land (2013); Dr. Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), President of the Palestinian National Authority (2014); Municipality of Lampedusa (2015); Community of Sant'Egidio (2016); Dr. Sergio Pirozzi, Mayor of Amatrice (2017). "Art and Culture" Section Prof. Armando Ginesi, Art Critic and Diplomat (2015); Bonifaciana Academy of Anagni (2016); Prof. Ciro Romano, Professor of advanced courses in Italian culture at the Universities of Turku and Jyvaskyla in Finland (2017). "Entrepreneurship and Economics" Section: Dott. Brunello Cucinelli, Entrepreneur and humanist (2015). "Journalism" Section: Dr. Gianni Letta, Senior Journalism Italian (2017); Dr. Sergey Startsev, Director in Italy of the Russian Information Agency RIANOVOSTI (2017).