Saturday, October 15, 2016 to the Community of Sant'Egidio, to the President prof. Marco Impagliazzo and the Academy Bonifaciana, the Rector President Comm. Dr. Sante De Angelis is assigned the 2016 edition of the International Constantinus Magnus Award for the "Peace and Defense of Universal Rights" and "Art and Culture" Sections granted by the Holy Order Imperial Military Nemagnian Angelico Costantiniano of San Giorgio and Santo Stefano, under the patronage of the City of Spello and the Royal and Imperial House Picco lavarello Lascaris Comneno Paleologo Obrenović of Constantinople - Serbia.
The Award is a prestigious award for those who have contributed, in Italy and abroad, to the development and dissemination of culture and knowledge in the various sectors, in the supreme interest of the promotion of the advancement of peoples, of research of truth, freedom, justice and peace and, therefore, of universal brotherhood, it wants to aggregate and relate personalities who work daily to make our world better with concrete and lasting actions.
In addition to the Mayor of Spello, dott. Moreno Landrini, S.A.I. and R. P.pe Luigi Maria Picco of Montenero Lavarello Obrenović, Grand Master of the Constantinian Nemagnist Order and Head of the Dynasty, the Honorary Consul of the Russian Federation of Ancona Avv. Marco Ginesi, the Consul Emeritus of the Russian Federation in Italy prof. Armando Ginesi (accompanied by the coordinator of the Consular Secretariat, Renato Barchiesi), Mgr. Bruno Gagliarducci, Spiritual Counselor of the RomeLazio Chapter of the Order, prof. Maurizio Oliviero, Ordinary of Comparative Public Law of the University of Perugia, other authorities and dignitaries of the Order. Absent, for urgent commitments, the prof. Giorgio Bonamente, Professor of Roman History of the University of Perugia and prof. Roberto Romano, former Associate of Byzantine Civilization of the Federico II University of Naples.
The aforementioned are all components, together with the Consul Emeritus prof. Armando Ginesi, to Mons. Bruno Gagliarducci, to prof. Maurizio Oliviero, to the dott. Moreno Landrini and to the dott. Fabio Guasticchi, of the Evaluation Committee of the Prize. The latter has been granted in previous editions to dr. Flavio LOTTI, in 2012, coordinator of the Table of Peace of Assisi; in 2013 to Father Ibrahim FALTAS ofm, former Rector of the Basilica of the Nativity of Bethlehem, currently Economist of the Custody of the Holy Land; in 2014 to His Excellency Abu MAZEN, President of the Palestinian National Authority; in 2015 to the Municipality of Lampedusa, in the person of the mayor dott.ssa Giuseppina Maria Nicolini, to the entrepreneur dr. Brunello CUCINELLI, to the historian of contemporary art prof. Armando GINESI.
The prof. Moderator was prof. Maurizio Oliviero. Dr. first took the floor Moreno Landrini, Mayor of Spello who brought greetings to all present and all those who have contributed, directly or indirectly, to the success of the event. Other greetings were then followed by the Grand Master of the Order, Father Luigi Maria Picco di Montenero, of the Honorary Consul of the Russian Federation of Ancon the Avv. Marco Ginesi, of the Consul Emeritus of the Russian Federation in Italy prof. Armando Ginesi.
During the awarding of the awards there were moments of reflection; after which the President of the Community of Sant'Egidio, prof. Marco Impagliazzo has presented an interesting report on the theme "Europe facing the challenges of migration" facing, with great competence, the migration problem of the southern part of the world. He was followed by the Rector-President of the Bonifaciana Academy. Comm. Sante De Angelis with the theme "La Misericordia has a visible face: the Extraordinary Holy Year of Pope Francis wonders about Peace and Forgiveness".
Finally, on behalf of prof. Roberto Romano, as already said absent, Mgr. Bruno Gagliarducci has read a very interesting document that summarizes the latest studies he made on the Constantinian Nemagnian Order, entitled "From the fourth century to the XXI development of an Order".