Roberto Romano, The St. George and St. Stephen Imperial Military Nemagnic Angelic Constantinian Holy Order of Eastern Rite.
Historical notes. Editrice Pliniana, Selci-Lama (PG), 2012, pp. X+122.
Work of Prof. Roberto Romano, Professor of Byzantine History and Byzantine Civilization at the University of Naples ‘Federico II’ and Knight ‘ad honorem’ of the Order. The volume, composed of 7 chapters, recounts chronologically the events experienced throughout the centuries by the Order, from its legendary foundation by Emperor Constantine, to the foundation of the nemagnic branch in 1346 by Stephen IX Uros IV in Serbia, to the arrival in Italy until the current Grand Master. The approach followed by the author, as expert on the subject, was being fully faithful to historical documents transmitted throughout the centuries up to bring excerpts of the various rulings of the Italian magistrature since 1871 to the last, issued on May 12th, 2012 by the Arbitral Court – Superior Court of Arbitral Justice, of which there is a report of the declarative part in the appendix. Of a sure interest is Chapter 5, entitled ‘The powers of the Sovereign in the thought of Thomas Hobbes’, in which the author traces the political thought of the philosopher emphasizing important steps for the history of the Grand Magistracy of the Constantinian Nemagnic Order, as for example the heraldic adoption. As can be seen the author does not only a chronicle of events that occurred but he gives them a reason also in the light of historical, political and philosophical thinking of the various epochs. At the end of the volume there is a section ‘Appendixes’, four to be exact, regarding arguments in correlation to the subject dealt with. For information contact the Grand Magistracy.