April 23th
At St. Cleto church in Rome, Father Gregor Prichodko celebrated the Divine Liturgy on the liturgical feast of St. George Martyr at which the Order, led by the Sovereign Grand Master, HI&RH and R.P. Luigi Maria Picco of Montenero and Pola, was present.

June 14th-15th
Vigil of arms and Investiture Ceremony of the Knights and Dames of the Order organized by the Chapter of Lazio, in St. Thomas More Church in Rome. Celebrating the Holy Mass was H.E. the Professed Comm. of Justice Father Giovanni Maria Mancino, General Spiritual Counsellor of the Order, along with the present Constantinian Spiritual Counsellors.

October 19th
At the municipal theatre of Rieti it was held the convention entitled: ‘Byzantine historical memory in the south of Italy - power relationship with the Angevins and the influence of the pontificate of Nicolò IV (1289 AD)’, organized in cooperation between the Nemagnic Constantinian Order and the Lions Club Rieti ‘Varrone’ under the patronage of the Municipality.