April 30th
At the end of the International Conference ‘Constantine before and after Constantine’, organized by the Faculty of Humanities, the Faculty of Educational Sciences and the Department of Historical Sciences of the University of Perugia and held from 27 to 30 April in the Umbrian city, was invited by the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Prof. Giorgio Bonamente, representing the Order, the Sovereign Grand Master, HI&RH and R.P. Luigi Maria Picco of Montenero and Pola. In the occasion the Prince brought the greetings of the Order; between the present authorities was the mayor of Spello, Sandro Vitali.
The closure of the Constantinian conferences always happens in Spello, since in the city, and precisely in a municipal hall, is kept the Rescript of Constantine in favor of the town.

May 27th-28th
Vigil of arms and Investiture Ceremony of the Knights and Dames of the Order organized by the Chapter of Sardinia, in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta and Santa Cecilia in Cagliari. Celebrating the pontifical was H.Em. Rev. Msgr. Giuseppe Mani, Metropolitan Archbishop of Cagliari, Kt. Prior of the Chapter, along with the present Constantinian Spiritual Counsellors.

June 12th
At the Basilica of Santa Maria ad Martyres (Pantheon) in Rome, was celebrated the ancient annual ritual, dating back to the Middle Ages, "Rain of red roses" which symbolizes the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles in the form of flames on the day of Pentecost, represented by the petals of roses. Performing the miracle was the Fire Brigade of Rome which, after reaching the top of the dome at a height of about forty meters, at the end of the religious ceremony, presided by H.E. Rev. Msgr. Ernesto Mandare, auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Rome, have dropped from the eye of the sky (the large circular opening of nine meters in diameter that radiates light and heat within the Pantheon) thousands of red rose petals on the faithfuls, donated annually by the Municipality of Giffoni Valle Piana (SA), which was represented by the Mayor and some members of the City Council.
Were present as guests:
HI&RH and R.P. Luigi Maria Picco of Montenero and Pola, Sovereign Grand Master, accompanied by Knights and Dames of the Order;
H. Em. Rev. Card. Bernard Agrè, Kt. Prior General of the Order;
Sandro Vitali, Mayor of Spello, accompanied by his wife;
H.E. Comm. Dr. Fabrizio Mechi, Magnificent Rector of the Mauritian International Academy.

June 28th
HI&RH and R.P. Luigi Maria Picco of Montenero and Pola, on invitation of the Regional Commander Gen. Stefano Baduini, attended, with some Knights, the event for the 237th anniversary of the foundation of the Guardia di Finanza body, at the Cruise Terminal of the Ichnusa jetty of Cagliari. The event was attended by the major military and political leaders, the Municipality of Cagliari and the Region of Sardinia, as well as various Armies’ Associations.
July 8th
At the headquarters of Banca Popolare di Spoleto was held the award ceremony for the delivery of the Constantine the Great Degree Prize proclaimed by: Banca Popolare di Spoleto S.p.A., St. George and St. Stephen Imperial Military Nemagnic Angelic Constantinian Holy Order, University of Perugia and Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Italy.

August 28th
A delegation of the Order of the Chapter of Sardinia led by its head, Knight Of Justice Mario Guidi, invited by the Professed Knight of Justice don Elvio Puddu, took part in the festivities in honor of St. Basil the Great, in the countrysides of Maracalagonis (CA), where is present a Romanesque church dedicated to the saint.

October 22nd-23rd
A delegation of the Order of the Chapter of Sardinia led by the Sovereign Grand Master, HI&RH and R.P. Luigi Maria Picco of Montenero and Pola, took part in the festivities in honor of St. Basil the Great, in the countrysides of Decimoputzu (CA), where is present a rural church dedicated to the saint, at which attended also H.E. Rev. Mons Arrigo Miglio, Metropolitan Archbishop of Cagliari.

October 27th-28th
Vigil of arms, in the masterful Basilica of San Vitale and Companions Martyrs in Fovea, presided by H.E. the Professed Gr. Cr. of Justice Msgr. Antonio Carloni, and Investiture Ceremony of the new Knights and Dames of the Order, in the Basilica of Santa Maria ad Martyres (Pantheon). Celebrating the pontifical was H.Em. Kt. Msgr. Daniele Micheletti, General Spiritual Counsellor, along with the present Constantinian Spiritual Counsellors. Attended the ceremony as pleasant guests:
H.E. Dr. Ana Hrustanovic, Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia in Italy;
H.R.H. P. Don Mario Paciotti Montefabbri, Grand Master of the Military and Hospitaller Order of St. John of Acre and St. Thomas, accompanied by Knights;
H.H. P. Enrico Filadoro Caracciolo, Grand Master of the Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Mary of Jerusalem Ordo Teutonicorum, accompanied by Knights;
Prof. Giorgio Bonamente, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Perugia;
Ct. Dr. Emilio Petrini Mansi Noble of the Marquises, solicitor and specialist in aristocratic law;
Sandro Vitali, Mayor of Spello.
November 22th - December 6th
Exposición de Órdenes Militares y Caballerescas (extended until December 11th)
Exhibition ‘Military and Knightly Orders, actuality and relevance’, organized by the Ministry of Defense, at the Palace of the Storks of Cáceres, among the activities organized annually by the Training Center for Culture (CEFOT) of Cáceres Troop.
The exhibition offers a historical tour of the military orders of Spain, Italy and Portugal, with the aid of documents, cloaks, hats, insignia, and medals of these institutions with military and religious character.
The presence, for the opening ceremony, of a delegation of the Order, led by the Gr. Off. of Merit Dr. Alberto Garau, personal secretary of HI&RH and R.P. Luigi Maria Picco of Montenero and Pola and Master of Novices, was appreciated by the military, civil, religious authorities, and especially by the representatives of the Equestrian Orders of Spain and Portugal.
December 8th
A delegation of the Order of the Chapter of Sardinia led by its head, H.E. Comm. of Justice Mauro Guidi, went, like every year for the festivities, to the ‘G.Brotzu’ hospital in Cagliari for the celebration of the Holy Mass in the chapel of St. Michele and the delivery of gifts to the children hospitalized.