February 3rd
A delegation of the Chapter of Sicily, led by the Sovereign Grand Master, HI&RH and R.P. Luigi Maria Picco of Montenero and Pola, took part in the procession that was held in Catania in honor of St. Agatha, the patron saint of the city.

February 11th
A delegation of the Order, of the Commandery of Lucera, led by the Sovereign Grand Master, HI&RH and R.P. Luigi Maria Picco of Montenero and Pola, on invitation of H.E. Rev. Msgr. Domenico Cornacchia, Bishop of the Diocese of Lucera-Troia, attended the procession in honor of Our Lady of Lourdes venerated in the Blessed Sacrament church in Lucera, and the following votive Mass in the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta in Lucera (FG).

April 23rd
A delegation of the Order of the Chapter of Sardinia led by the Sovereign Grand Master, HI&RH and R.P. Luigi Maria Picco of Montenero and Pola, took part in the festivities in honor of St. George Martyr, patron saint of the City of Quartucciu (CA). On this occasion the Prince Picco of Montenero and Pola awarded the banner of the Committee for the celebrations of St. George Martyr with the chivalrous honour.

June 8th
At the Basilica of Santa Maria ad Martyres (Pantheon) in Rome, was celebrated the ancient annual ritual, dating back to the Middle Ages, "Rain of red roses" which symbolizes the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles in the form of flames on the day of Pentecost, represented by the petals of roses. Performing the miracle was the Fire Brigade of Rome which, after reaching the top of the dome at a height of about forty meters, at the end of the religious ceremony, presided by H.E. Rev. Msgr. Santo Marcianò, military Ordinary Archbishop for Italy, have dropped from the eye of the sky (the large circular opening of nine meters in diameter that radiates light and heat within the Pantheon) thousands of red rose petals on the faithfuls, donated annually by the Municipality of Giffoni Valle Piana (SA), which was represented by the Mayor, Dr. Paolo Russomando, and some members of the City Council.
Was present as guest :
HI&RH and R.P. Luigi Maria Picco of Montenero and Pola, Sovereign Grand Master, accompanied by Knights and Dames of the Order.

July 11th-16th
HI&RH and R.P. Luigi Maria Picco of Montenero and Pola, accompanied by a delegation of the Order and the Chapter of Serbia, made his official visit to S.S. Irinej, Archbishop of Pec, Metropolitan of Belgrade-Karlovac and Patriarch of Serbia, in Belgrade Patriarchy.
On this occasion he visited the symbolic places of the House Obrenović and met the Vicar General of the Catholic Diocese of Belgrade and a representative of the Serbian Government.
In addition there was a Ceremony of Investiture of new Knights of the Balkan Peninsula.

September 14th
A delegation of the Chapter of Umbria, led by H.E. Marq. Dr. Fabio Guasticchi of Cres, attended the Holy Mass officiated by H.E. the Professed Comm. of Justice Don Albin Kouhon, Spiritual Counsellor of the Chapter, in the celebration of the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, recurrence of the Order that has its origins and its raison d'être in history in the glorious Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, in the beautiful setting of the St John the Evangelist church in Vacone (RI).

October 31st
HI&RH and R.P. Luigi Maria Picco of Montenero and Pola has been invited as welcomed guest at the celebration for the interior restoration of the new Church of San Francesco Converso in Assisi, funded by the Russian entrepreneur Sergey Matvienko.

November 8th
Vigil of arms and Investiture Ceremony in the masterful Basilica of San Vitale and Companions Martyrs in Fovea of the new Knights and Dames of the Order. Celebrating the pontifical was H.E. the Professed Comm. of Justice Don Albin Kouhon, Spiritual Counsellor of the Chapter of Umbria.
Attended the ceremony as pleasant guests:
H.R.H. P. Don Mario Paciotti Montefabbri, Grand Master of the Military and Hospitaller Order of St. John of Acre and St. Thomas, accompanied by Knights;
H.R.H. P. Leonardo Salomone of the Tower of the East;
Prof. Dr. Armando Ginesi, Honorary Consul of the Russian Federation in Ancona;
Dr. Dmitrj Shtodin, Counsellor Chargé d'Affaires of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Italy;
Dr. Diana Peruničić, First Counsellor of the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Italy;
Dr. Sergey Matvienko, Russian patron of the arts;
Prof. Roberto Romano, Professor of Byzantine Philology at the University of Naples "Federico II";
Kt. Sante De Angelis, President of the Bonifaciana Academy;
Dr. Mauro Broda, Secretary General of the International Diplomatic Institute.

December 27th
A delegation of the Order of the Chapters of Umbria and Lazio led by the Sovereign Grand Master, HI&RH and R.P. Luigi Maria Picco of Montenero and Pola, on the invitation of H.E. the Professed Comm. of Justice Don Albin Kouhon, attended the Holy Mass, celebrated by H.E. Rev. Msgr. Giuseppe Piemontese, Bishop of Terni-Narnia-Amelia, and the procession of the simulacrum of St. John the Evangelist in the municipality of Vacone (RI), on the occasion of the patron saint festivities.