February 3rd
A delegation of the Order led by the Sovereign Grand Master, HI&RH and R.P. Luigi Maria Picco of Montenero and Pola, took part in the procession that was held in Catania in honor of St. Agatha, the patron saint of the city.

February 4th
In the Chapel of the casera ‘Sommaruga’ in Catania, it was officiated by the military chaplain Capt. Father Cunzolo the Holy Mass in honor of St. Agatha, in the presence of HI&RH and R.P. Luigi Maria Picco of Montenero and Pola and the Delegation of the Constantinian Nemagnic Order which took part in in the festivities in honor of the patron saint of the Sicilian city.

April 17th
H. Em. Rev. Card. Joseph Adam Maida, Archbishop of Detroit (USA), holder of the Basilica of San Vitale and Companions Martyrs in Fovea, celebrated there the Holy Mass on the day preceding the commencement of the Conclave. The Knights of the Constantinian Nemagnic Order, who were invited, attended the Holy Mass and then entertained themselves amicably with the Cardinal.

May 21st
In the Basilica of San Vitale and Companions Martyrs in Fovea, H.Em. Kt. Msgr. Daniele Micheletti celebrated the Holy Mass on the liturgical feast of St. Constantine the Great at which was present a delegation of the Chapter of Lazio, led by the Sovereign Grand Master, HI&RH and R.P. Luigi Maria Picco of Montenero and Pola.

September 2nd
Participation of a delegation of the Order led by the Sovereign Grand Master, HI&RH and R.P. Luigi Maria Picco of Montenero and Pola, in the Divine Liturgy officiated by H.E. Rev. Msgr. Sotir Ferrari, Bishop of the Eparchy of Piana degli Albanesi, in the Most Holy Mary Odigitria church in Piana degli Albanesi (PA).