February 3rd

A delegation of the Chapter of Sicily led by the Sovereign Grand Master, H.I.H. and R.P. Luigi Maria Picco of Montenero and Pola, took part in the procession that was held in Catania in honor of St. Agatha, the patron saint of the city.

April 30th

Also this year on Saturday 30 April 2016, the Church of San Michele Arcangelo also called Temple of Sant'Angelo saw the celebration of the Vigil of arms and Investiture Ceremony of the new Knights and Dames of the Chapter of Umbria of the St. George and St. Stephen Imperial Military Nemagnic Angelic Constantinian Holy Order. The solemn event was attended by the Sovereign Grand Master of the Order, HI&RH and R.P. Luigi Maria Picco of Montenero Lavarello Obrenović of Serbia, Bosnia and Constantinople, heir of the ‘House Lascaris Comnenus Palaeologus Obrenović of Constantinople – Serbia’. The religious ceremony was celebrated by the constantinian spiritual counsellors came from different places of the peninsula; within the same was commemorated the Novice, Patrizio Rossi suddenly disappeared a few days after his investiture as Commander of Merit of the Order. The religious rite of the Investiture ceremony is regulated according to the liturgical ceremonial of the Order and is characterized for the ancient rite of the imposition of the sword and of dressing. The new knights publicly confirm the choice of life and the service commitment assumed by joining the Order and publicly receive the insignia of the same.
During the ceremony has been granted to the Kt. Dr. Brunello Cucinelli the noble title of Byzantine Patrician, mute just the Sovereign Grand Master, the Prince Luigi Maria Picco of Montenero Lavarello Obrenović of Serbia, Bosnia and Constantinople. The suggestive ceremony was amplified by the scenery of the beautiful Church, originally from the V-VI century A.D. one of the oldest in Italy. Attended the ceremony as pleasant guests:

- H.R.H. P. Leonardo Salomone of the Tower of the East;
- Don Michele Mario Biallo Bn. d'Avola Calattuvo, XXIV Governor General of the Order of Saint George of Burgundy accompanied by donna Ottaviana Giagnoli Biallo Bnss. d'Avola Calattuvo;
- Don Andrea Bernardini Ct. of Villabernin, Chancellor of the Order of Saint George of Burgundy accompanied by donna Rocio Jimenez Pizarro Bernardini Ctss. of Villabernin;
- Dr. Urbano Barelli, Deputy Mayor of the Municipality of Perugia;
- Kt. Dr. Brunello Cucinelli accompanied by his wife Federica Cucinelli;
- Prof. Maurizio Oliviero, professor at the University of Perugia and President of A.Di.S.U. (Regional Agency for the Right to University Study);
- Dr. Olga Juravlyova, owner of Russian Quality.

November 12th

Vigil of arms and Investiture Ceremony of the new Knights of the Order in the masterful Basilica of San Vitale and Companions Martyrs in Fovea.
The Holy Liturgy was presided by Msgr. Daniele Micheletti, Archpriest of the Basilica of San Vitale and of the Pantheon in Rome, celebrated by Msgr. Bruno Gagliarducci, Prelate of His Holiness the Pope and concelebrated by Msgr. Patrick Incorvaja, by Don Raffaele Antonacci and by Don Antony Marco Debattista.

Took part civil, military, diplomatic and cultural authorities including:
The Duke Henrikus Hermanus Ruijgrok, Ordinary Consul General of the Kingdom of Thailand to Europe;
Constantin Van Blatton, Honorary Consul of the Russian Federation in the Netherlands;
the Colonel Giuseppe Donnarumma of the Provincial Command of Carabinieri of Rome;
the comm. Dr. Sante De Angelis, Rector of the Bonifaciana Academy of Anagni;
His Royal and Imperial Highness the Prince Leonardo Salomone Navarra of the Tower of the East, Grand Master of the St. George Imperial Constantinian Angelic Sovereign Order of the Golden Militia of the East;
His Royal Highness Don Mario Paciotti Montefabbri Amoroso of Aragon, Grand Master of the Military and Hospitaller Order of St. John of Acre and St. Thomas;
His Serene Highness Don Michele Maria Biallo, Baron of Avola Colattuvo, XXIV General Governor of the Saint George Order of Burgundy;
Dr. Sergey Starstev, Director to Italy of the Press Agency RIA NOVOSTI of Moscow;
Dr. Alfonso Piscitelli, RAI journalist;
Dr. Helena Nawrocha, philologist of the Russian language;
Dr. Paolo Fernando Turrà, Master of Karate and founder of the Karate School Katadoryu, nominated Baron of Palermiti, accompanied by his family and representatives of the students of his School.